
Via Martiri della Libertà, 155
13874 Mottalciata (BI) - Italia
 +39 0161 857978
 +39 0161 1860106

Via Trecate, 11/N
28068 Romentino (NO) - Italia

Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 78
20010 Bareggio (MI) - Italia
+39 02 9014589


This is P.M.I. Moulds and Moulding, a company which – with precision and passion – since the mid-70’s put their own work and its own experience at the service of the customer, including the possibility to realise moulds and Design products in a variety of materials to satisfy any specific requirements of the buyer.


Contact P.M.I.

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I have read the privacy policy and attention to personal data pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003.