P.M.I. S.R.L.

Moulds and Mouldings

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  • P.M.I. S.R.L.

We possess nearly half a century of history in the production sector of technical products in rubber and in thermoplastic materials. This is P.M.I. Moulds and Moulding a company which, with precision and passion, since the mid 70’s have placed their work and experience at the service of the customer, including the prospect of realising moulds and products from design using a variety of materials in order to satisfy any specific requirements of the customer.

All this is made possible thanks to the ultra-modern service of rapid prototyping, as well as to the exemplary and expert planning department. Having a fully equipped structure implements the integrated service that allows to supply completed articles with inserts and metal finishing. It is worth mentioning the highly efficient logistics management spread evenly over two units: the “historical” Lombard venue and the latest and ample venue in Piedmont. These two warehouses enable to stock the numerous moulds and ensure a constant availability of the materials, thus the production and the delivery of each commission becomes extremely rapid.

Likewise, within each sector of both companies, the human resources have a top quality and well trained staff who are completely dedicated to client satisfaction, thanks to constant production monitoring aligned with the perfect planning in every aspect of the trade.

Our strong points


    With over 40 years of experience and passion, we possess remarkable skills in the creation and use of moulds, as well as maintaining the expertise and the continual investigation of techniques, materials and mixtures.


    From supplying and managing the warehouse, designing the moulds and the prototypes, creating the moulds for the production, controlling the quality and fully complying to the delivery schedules.


    In the performance of the machinery, in all the stages of the manufacturing, in the control of the product, in the relationship with the suppliers and the customers.


    Concerning the use of manufacturing techniques of substances and raw materials, of the industrial machinery and equipment along with on-going staff training.


    Control of the stages of the manufacturing process, monitoring the intermediate results, administrative efficiency and financial solidity.

A growing company


Years of experience


Production plants


Sq m of production plant

At your service


The planning and the construction of moulds is one of the services offered depending on the specific requirements, thanks to the technical and tool-maker department, as always, the flagship of P.M.I. Moulds and Moulding; in the company the use of the ultra-modern cad-cam machine, ensures the development of moulds that respond to the specific requirements of the customer by maintaining the high quality of the product.


Moulds are planned and realised using vanguard instrumentation by way of a programmed and autonomous production. With the staff’s technical experience and the fully equipped toolmakers’ department, the P.M.I. Moulds and Moulding are capable of rapidly providing timely interventions at the counter both for small and big maintenances that are required during the production process. 


Pre-series prototypes and products are designed to define and adjust the shapes and the functionalities in detail well before initiating the industrial production in series. This is a particularly important service that P.M.I. provide in order to assess and correct any imperfections or inaccuracies before producing in series. Thanks to this process the customer can avoid incorrect and uneconomical productions, which would have negative consequences resulting in a waste of time, resources, energy and money.


P.M.I. are the sole referent: from co-moulds, including turned or cutaway metal inserts, to the ultra-sound welding and assembly until the direct delivery to the client. An “integrated service” at 360°, suitable to contain the costs of logistics, the management of stock and supplies in the light of the economies of scale.


P.M.I. also respond to the production of small batches in a vast array of materials that are employed during production allowing the development and production of a vast selection of articles (anti-vibrant, rings, collars, stoppers, cable seals, caps, and components for cars and motorcycles, as well as minute articles for furniture such as anti-slip, buffers, hole stoppers, nut cap, shelf holders, accessories for screws, accessories for wardrobes, handles and doorknobs).

Our story

  • P.M.I. La nostra storia - Le origini

    The origins

    The P.M.I. Moulds and Moulding company was first established in 1975 in Bareggio (MI) by Fabio Ciccioni, an expert in the field of industrial designing and model building in plastic and in scale, for the petrochemical sector and responsible for ENI construction sites. Today it seems strange to talk about model building in plastic for the design of big plants, but one must consider that in those days the use of the computer, and above all advanced planning software programs did not exist. Fabio Ciccioni places the  main target on supplying articles for industrial model building to planning companies, using his own competence and management skills, as well as vanguard machinery, in order to offer products and components with rapidity and major efficiency than once. He is in this way able to assist big clients such as Snam Progetti and Foster Weehler. Not surprisingly the acronym P.M.I. stems from “Particolari per il Modellismo Industriale”(Particulars for Industrial Model Building”.

    After a while the individual company established by Fabio Ciccioni was to expand into other typologies of products, consequently extending its field of action. Before long, thanks to the investments for the purchase of machinery such as injection presses, the company was to develop its production towards different markets and types of clients. One of many examples is the take- over in 1978 of the firm F. Bottini, specialised in the production of minute plastic products for the furniture industry, since then a sector that would constitute an important part of the “business” of P.M.I.

  • P.M.I. La nostra storia - Crescita


    In 2006 Alessandro Ciccioni, the son of Fabio, opens the P.M.I. Moulds and Moulding Piedmont operational unit in Mottalciata, in the province of Biella. A location set only a few kilometres from the Carisio exit on the A4 Milano-Torino highway both strategical for supplying and half way between Torino and Milano.

    With the opening of the Mottalciata operational unit the machinery pool was quickly expanded in both plants, vanguard presses for injection and compression moulding were introduced thanks to which it is, at present, possible to easily produce technical articles of small dimensions as well as moulds of considerable sizes, practically from 0,1 grams to one and a half kilo in weight.

  • P.M.I. La nostra storia - Acquisizioni


    In 2011 P.M.I. take over the moulds and the production of the historical milanese Brizza, after having also absorbed the production of toys and promotional gadgets with the brand C.I.P. “Creazioni In Plastica” (Creations In Plastic), the modular floorings Easypav , and lastly Corti Rocchetti (Corti Spools) leader in the production of plastic spools.

    Furthermore, the new piemontese operational unit has not only promoted an increase in the offer and the production but has also implemented its logistics service in the entire area of Northern Italy, thanks to an adjacent warehouse of over 1000 square meters, consenting P.M.I to accelerate its delivery capacity.  

    In 2020 P.M.I. srl continues to grow by acquiring the historical company Tec-Plast of Cisliano (MI), which was also founded in 1975, specialized in moulds and injection moulding of plastic also for the automotive sector, acquiring know-how and new technological tools. So P.M.I. srl entered in the cosmetics sector with the production of caps also used on products particularly requested in the emergency period COVID-19 that leaded P.M.I. to play an important role for the supply of these items.


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