Biella Via Martiri della Libertà, 155 Mottalciata Novara Via Treccate, 11/N Romentino Milano Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 78 Bareggio
We cherish many values in our company. They are strong values. We promote our full availability starting from our clients to the interaction with the territory.
P.M.I. Moulds and Moulding are the ideal service provider for a unique commission! For a combined service highly qualified to offer innovative products and “custom made” for any specific requirement.
Moulding through injection and compression.
Design and construction of the moulds.
We control throughout the production, the quality, the relationship with suppliers and the clients, the delivery.
Short term planning and realization of the prototype.
P.M.I Moulds and Moulding is fully comprehensive in its unique commissions; moving from the idea to the production and assembly of the product itself.
We are available for smaller as well as bigger planning productions and maintenances.
We will be at the international reference fair for the manufacturing industry
PMI has received ISO 9001:2015 certification from SQS/IQNet
Alessandro Ciccioni interviewed by Corrado Tedeschi talks about P.M.I. srl.
530 tons with cartesian manipulator.
How to make our products more resistant?
Cable stripping and crimping service.
Happy birthday P.M.I. srl!
Work has begun on the new molding department at the Mottalciata headquarters.
For years, plastic has been seen as the main enemy responsible of pollution. But whose fault is it really?
In Romentino in the Novara area P.M.I. Moulds and Moulding, open the third production plant that brings the production force of 32 presses from 8 to 320 tons.
EasyPav website is online!
The brand Corti Rocchetti – Corti Spools was born in 1993 and has established itself throughout the years for its production of plastic spools.
2018, a good year!